Girls’ Brigade is a uniformed Christian organisation which invites girls over the age of 3 years to join us in a varied programme of activities including spiritual, physical, service and educational focus. The GB motto is ‘SEEK, SERVE AND FOLLOW CHRIST,’ and our aim is to help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ and, through self-control, reverence and a sense of responsibility, to find true enrichment of life.
Molesworth Girls’ Brigade meets in Molesworth Church Hall as follows –
Tiny tots (3-4 years)
Explorers (5 – 7years)
Wednesday 6 – 7:15pm
Juniors (8 – 10 years)
Seniors (11- 13 years)
Brigaders (14+ years)
Wednesday 7.30 – 9pm
If you would like more details on joining us as a GB member or volunteer helper please contact us.
Contact: Girl’s Brigade
E: info@molesworthchurch.com

1st Cookstown Company of the Boys’ Brigade meets in Molesworth Church Hall and welcomes boys from 5 years old to young men of 18 years of age. Each new session begins in September and ends with a BB display in late Spring.
The three sections within BB are –
Anchor Boys (P1 – P4)
Monday 6.15 – 7.45pm
Junior Section (P5 – P7)
Tuesday 6.45 – 8pm
Company and Senior Section (Year 8 – Year 14)
Tuesday 8.00 – 10pm
In each of these sections there is a varied and interesting programme which reflects our motto of ‘SURE AND STEDFAST’ while also seeking to develop each individual boy in a spiritual, physical, social and educational way. If you would like more details on joining us as a BB member or volunteer helper please contact us
Contact: Robert
T: 028 8676 3649
M: 07934681958
E: rjdpark@yahoo.com
Contact Us
Molesworth Presbyterian Church
69-71 Molesworth Street,
BT80 8PA
T: (028) 8676 6998
E: info@molesworthchurch.com
Minister: Rev Tom Greer
T: (028) 8676 6998
E: twagreer@gmail.com
Pastoral Associate: Mr Roy Maxwell
T: (028) 8676 4111
Clerk of Session: Mr James Thompson
T: 07889 291055
E: agvireland@aol.com
Secretary of Committee: Mr Lawrence Knox
T: 07599 827573
E: lawrenceknox@aol.com
Treasurer: Mr Gareth Cuddy
E: molesworthfinance@hotmail.com
Musical Director: Mr Sam Cuddy
E: sammycuddy@yahoo.com
Caretaker: Mr Clarke Hill
T: 07793 313924
E: clarkehill@hotmail.com