Outreach | Mission

Maud Kells OBE served for some 50 years as a missionary with WEC International (www.wec-uk.org) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A qualified midwife she was involved in nurse and midwife training and hospital administration. However, her work over the years also extended to Bible School teaching, building and development projects and the opportunity to preach in local churches. Now officially retired she still makes occasional trips to D. R. Congo as well a fulfilling many speaking engagement. Her 80th birthday saw the publication of her biography An Open Door – which can be obtained here.
An essential part of Maud’s work has always been the transport links provided by Mission Aviation Fellowship, whose work we also regularly support www.maf-uk.org

Robin Scott grew up in Molesworth, where he was also came to saving faith in Christ. He presently serves as Chief Executive of Prison Fellowship Northern Ireland, a Christian ministry to prisoners, former prisoners and their families and those who are victims of crime irrespective of their religious or political background. He is involved in day to day management of the organisation with a hands-on approach visiting all three prisons, supporting families and those released. Robin also serves as an elder in Woodlands Presbyterian Church, Carrickfergus. Find out more about Prison Fellowship NI here – www.pfni.org

Dublin Family Outreach
Over a number of years members of our congregation have supported the work of Dublin Family Outreach and its Director, Billy Swan. A number have also served as volunteers at Summer Camps.

Calvary Mission
In the west of Ireland we have for many years supported the church planting work of Calvary Mission since its beginnings in Westport, Co Mayo to its current growing network of churches in Counties Mayo, Roscommon, Longford & Galway.
PCI Mission in Ireland
We have been able to support in practical ways a number of the Presbyterian Church’s church-planting and church revitalisation projects in Ireland, including those in Drogheda, Mullingar and Maynooth.

European Christian Mission
Through our minister’s involvement with ECM we have been developing links with pastors and mission workers engaged in church planting and revitalisation in Slovenia, Croatia & Bosnia-Herzegovina.
PCI Global Mission
In 2015 we were able to send a small team to share in the work of Gary & Mary Reid, working amongst the Massai people in Olkinyei, Kenya. We are able to continue to follow this work through their regular prayer updates.

Through the agency of AsiaLink support is given to indigenous mission workers in a number of unreached areas of the continent of Asia. Regular updates on the work have enabled a number of our people to engage prayerfully and financially with a variety of AsiaLink’s projects.

Open Doors
Many of our members have a heart to support and pray for Christians across the world who face persecution. Our regular contacts with Open Doors give us fresh insight into the challenges faced by our fellow believers across the world.

Each year we have opportunity to contribute to the relief ministry of Tearfund in crisis situations across the world; and visiting representatives also keep us informed of the mission’s current development projects.
Contact Us
Molesworth Presbyterian Church
69-71 Molesworth Street,
BT80 8PA
T: (028) 8676 6998
E: info@molesworthchurch.com
Minister: Rev Tom Greer
T: (028) 8676 6998
E: twagreer@gmail.com
Pastoral Associate: Mr Roy Maxwell
T: (028) 8676 4111
Clerk of Session: Mr James Thompson
T: 07889 291055
E: agvireland@aol.com
Secretary of Committee: Mr Lawrence Knox
T: 07599 827573
E: lawrenceknox@aol.com
Treasurer: Mr Gareth Cuddy
E: molesworthfinance@hotmail.com
Musical Director: Mr Sam Cuddy
E: sammycuddy@yahoo.com
Caretaker: Mr Clarke Hill
T: 07793 313924
E: clarkehill@hotmail.com