God’s Word speaks
into our world

So, we invite you to join us in discovering how His word speaks into our world, and right into the heart of each of our lives. And there is more – Jesus calls us to trust and follow Him because he alone gives the gift of eternal life. What could be better than that?
Rev Tom Greer
and there’s more…

Every Sunday
Morning Service 11.30am
Evening Service 6.30pm
Choir & Praise
Toddlers, Children & Youth
With a concern for the whole person our ministries to adults range from spiritual growth and pastoral care through to evangelism and recreation. Have a look and see what’s here for you!
Prayer Ministry
Our Prayer Ministry Team is available for personal prayer following Sunday morning services. Or, you can text a prayer request to our Prayer Team on 07590 525779 or email prayer@molesworthchurch.com
Outreach | Mission
Contact Us
Molesworth Presbyterian Church
69-71 Molesworth Street,
BT80 8PA
T: (028) 8676 6998
E: info@molesworthchurch.com
Minister: Rev Tom Greer
T: (028) 8676 6998
E: twagreer@gmail.com
Pastoral Associate: Mr Roy Maxwell
T: (028) 8676 4111
Clerk of Session: Mr James Thompson
T: 07889 291055
E: agvireland@aol.com
Secretary of Committee: Mr Lawrence Knox
T: 07599 827573
E: lawrenceknox@aol.com
Treasurer: Mr Gareth Cuddy
E: molesworthfinance@hotmail.com
Musical Director: Mr Sam Cuddy
E: sammycuddy@yahoo.com
Caretaker: Mr Clarke Hill
T: 07793 313924
E: clarkehill@hotmail.com